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Crimes Against Love (The Cabinet), 2013

Relax: This Won't Hurt a Bit.  Organized by Alexa Hoyer and Elisabeth Smolarz, NYC.

Each artist made an intervention on a room of an abandoned medical office. 



"This Won’t Hurt A Bit Art Exhibit in Old Greenpoint Medical Office Was Anything But Sterile

The glass cabinet displayed by Hoyer’s former professor Cyriaco Lopes, which is part of a larger project ‘Crimes against love’ that deals with crimes against homosexuals, was an interesting juxtaposition in a room with a dilapidated drop ceiling and ripped up vinyl flooring. The viewer was invited to take a closer look and literally step on the installation as long as they took off their shoes, playing into the delicateness of the subject matter that exists in a violent and crude world. "

By Jen G at the Greenpointer