Filtering by Tag: Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

Olhar Museu: The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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4 ganymedes (second by canova)+david & jonathan (rembrandt)+bacchus+3 graces(canova)+hermaphrodites - hermitage, st petersburg

Olhar Museu: The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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Archeological Museum, Istanbul: Hermaphrodite  + Alexander, the Great + Alexander, the Great + Hephaestion

Olhar Museu: The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

Elmgreen and Dragset, Berlin, 2008.


Olhar Museu: The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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'The Death of Sappho,' Gustave Moreau, 1872 @ Collection Scharf-Gerstenberg

Diana at Charlottenburg Palace 

Today, Berlin. 

Olhar Museu: The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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Altes Museum (Greek-Roman sculpture) + Alte Nationalgalerie (fishermen and orange picker).  Berlin, today,  

Olhar Museu: The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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Section Brussels (Museum of Fine Arts - Old Masters)


"Offerandes à Bacchus," 1700s, Andries Cornelis. 

"Narcisse," 1600s, Gabriel Grupello. 

Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

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today at Palais des Beaux-Arts of Lille.

 "Hermaphrodite," XIX century copy. [3 views]

"Saint Sébastien," 1400s. Gentile da Fabriano. 

"L'art étrusque," 1872, Louis-Jean Schoroeder.   [2 views]

 "Priam aux pieds d'Achille," 1876, Jules Bastien-Lepapge.

"Ganymède,"  1811-1814, Jean-Pierre Cortot.  [2 views]

"Hercule Combattant Acheloüs," 1667-1670, Noël Coypel.

"Narcisse,"  1868, Ernest-Eugène Hiolle.  [2 views]

"Urne cinéraire décorée du duel entre les deux fils du roi de Thebes, Etéocle et Polynice," II century. 

Athènes, 460-450 B.C. 

"Saint Famille," 1550, Frans Floris

"La France gémit des troubles qui sa divisent.  La Fidélité la console et lui présente des sujets zélés," 1760, François Boucher.