The Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

Added on by cyriaco lopes.

Section Brussels (Museum of Fine Arts - Old Masters)


"Offerandes à Bacchus," 1700s, Andries Cornelis. 

"Narcisse," 1600s, Gabriel Grupello. 

The Politics of Cultural Exchanges.

Added on by cyriaco lopes.

at the Museum of Fine Arts (Old Masters), Brussels, Belgium.


"Portrait du chevalier Abel van Couster," 1512, Jan Most Aert. 

"L'Adoration des Mages," 1500s, Pieter Bruegel I. 

"Saint martin Guérrissant un Possédé," 1630, Jacob Jordaens. 

 "Vanitas," 1600s. Pieter Boel & [figures by] Jacob Jordaens.

Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

Added on by cyriaco lopes.

today at Palais des Beaux-Arts of Lille.

 "Hermaphrodite," XIX century copy. [3 views]

"Saint Sébastien," 1400s. Gentile da Fabriano. 

"L'art étrusque," 1872, Louis-Jean Schoroeder.   [2 views]

 "Priam aux pieds d'Achille," 1876, Jules Bastien-Lepapge.

"Ganymède,"  1811-1814, Jean-Pierre Cortot.  [2 views]

"Hercule Combattant Acheloüs," 1667-1670, Noël Coypel.

"Narcisse,"  1868, Ernest-Eugène Hiolle.  [2 views]

"Urne cinéraire décorée du duel entre les deux fils du roi de Thebes, Etéocle et Polynice," II century. 

Athènes, 460-450 B.C. 

"Saint Famille," 1550, Frans Floris

"La France gémit des troubles qui sa divisent.  La Fidélité la console et lui présente des sujets zélés," 1760, François Boucher.  

Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

Added on by cyriaco lopes.

[Jesus] at Sint-Jan Hospitaalmuseum, Bruges.
 "The Last Hudgement," XVI century, Bosh.

"Achilles among the daughters of Lycomededs," Erasmus II Quellinus, 1643.  

[Androgynous Achilles in drag is recurrent in museums I am visiting.  Patroclus had to love him!]   

Unacknowledged Museum of Gay Art

Added on by cyriaco lopes.

"The Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, 1829, François-Joseph Navez
"The Prodigal Son or Reconciliation," 1895, Constantin Meunier

I see him seeing me - "View of Olinda, Brazil, "Franz Post, 1662. at the Rijksmuseum today.

Added on by cyriaco lopes.

Am I the monkey? Yes.  The solitary boatman? Yes.  I see him looking at me.  

In the Netherlands a Brazilian sees a Dutchman seeing Brazil.  

Brazil is being invented and already has ruins.  

Am I those ruins? Yes.  Am I the bird? Yes.  Am I the bug? Yes.